Five generations celebrate 102 years

Gladys Delia Thormalhen Mills Williams celebrated her 102 birthday on Jan. 17 in Victoria. There were five generations present, ranging from less than one year old to Williams’ 102 years. According to her granddaughter, Kathryn Kirkland Brooks of Edna, Williams’ eyesight prevents her from cooking or baking her “famous” cookies, but at any given time can be found watching a baseball game, Wheel of Fortune, or Jeopardy, while her fingers are busy knitting or crocheting. Her relatives have all been recipients of the quilts and afghans, but Williams also makes afghans and knitted house shoes that are donated to church missions. She worked as a charge nurse for many years at Citizens Hospital in Victoria, cared for her parents when they got older and raised two daughters. From left are Kathryn Kirkland Brooks of Edna, granddaughter, Gladys Williams “Nannie” of Victoria, Florence Kirkland of Victoria, daughter, and Johanna Brooks of Bloomington, formerly of Edna, great-granddaughter.

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