The real cost of Free Trade

    We have just recently observed Independence Day and not long until Constitution Week. How many of us really appreciate the meaning of those two historical events? Seems to me they should become more and more important as we see personal freedoms and national independence and sovereignty eroding. And then we hear about chaos on the border, IRS scandals, the Common Core Education plan, EPA’s growing regulation threats, and turmoil in the Middle East.
    We don’t hear much about the call for a Constitutional Convention or about so-called Free Trade agreements that are being planned. Commonly referred to as Con-Con, Convention of the States, or Article 5 Convention makes no difference. They all amount to the same thing with Conservatives having good intentions, like adding a Balanced Budget Amendment.
    Problem is there is no way of limiting a convention to a certain topic. A present day convention could lead to a complete rewrite of the precious document that we have now. Please get the message – we need to obey, not rewrite, the constitution!
    Who has heard about the Trans Pacific Partnership or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership These are the two so-called Free Trade agreements that the Obama Administration is negotiating at this time. With only one-fifth of the lengthy agreements dealing with trade, believe me it is not real good for the United States of America.
    Can you imagine being in partnership with the European Union? I would invite you and all citizens who are concerned with the present state of affairs in our country to attend a special meeting on Monday, Aug. 18 at Our Savior Lutheran Church at 4102 N. Ben Jordan in Victoria to hear Arthur Thompson, CEO of The John Birch Society, discuss the real cost of Free Trade. The event will start at 7 p.m. with a $10 admission fee. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m., the public is invited.
Obert Sagebiel
Cuero, Texas

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