Former 4-H leader checks off bucket list with visit


4-Hers from the mid-1960s drove far to come together and meet at the Edna Country Club to spend time with their former Jackson County assistant extension agent, Dale Pennington, on the weekend of Nov. 16. Pennington came in from Llano with his wife Raylene on Friday evening. His son, Shane Pennington, an acclaimed artist in Dallas, surprised his father with his presence on Saturday.
A few weeks prior, Pennington contacted Paulette Schomburg McElveen, one of his former 4-H students. He told her he’d been compiling a bucket list and wanted to see the 4-H students he’d mentored so many years ago and what they’d made of themselves. The kids, he called them. McElveen reminded him those “kids” had grown up to become some important leaders of the community. She got to work and started making some calls.
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