Reserve your table for Trivia Night


March 22’s Trivia Night with all its hilarity and fun is almost upon us. Have you organized a team to participate yet?  Don’t delay; available space is at a premium as the Jackson County Services Building will allow only 25 tables. As most will remember, the 21 teams from 2012 almost filled up the auditorium.
The Eleanor Brackenridge Literary Club urges all who want to hold a spot for their team of eight to quickly return the registration form. If your group needs paperwork, please call 782-6487 or contact any EB Club member. 
Remember that county wide scholarships result from the March 22 Trivia Night’s proceeds. Last year’s success meant that six individuals from all over the county were awarded $500 each with the highest ranking girl in all three schools also being recognized with a $100 stipend.
Not only is the event great public-relations for your firm or organization, each individual who participates goes home pleasantly exhausted from experiencing so much laughter and friendship.  
Join us! Make up a team (up to 8 people) at $10 per person. Buy 10 mulligans (free answers) for $10. Have supper with us at $8 per box. Find a treasure on the Silent Auction table. Play Heads or Tails. But, most of all, help students better themselves through scholarship to be awarded from the Trivia Night’s proceeds. All the while you and your friends are having a blast!
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